Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Ok, so since everybody(3people) is complaining that the blog is sucking these days, Im gonna update it with cool stuff I guess.
Didn't this blog always suck?

Ok, so the newest most exciting shit that has happened since the last update is.

The Korean guy that has the convenience store beside Cherry Bomb, has bought the building and evicted Cherry Bomb, in an effort to open up what they think will be a successful espresso bar.
Classic case of keeping up with the Jones's.
Struggling variety store sees neighboring espresso bar doing non stop business from open to close, gets jealous, buys building, and evicts us thinking that it takes care of the problem of competition.

Key things neglected.
1.Getting good at making espresso would take FOREVER if you weren't learning from knowledgable people, which they wont be.
2.My bosses aren't going to just lay over and be shut down, they found a new location 5 stores up from the previous shop, so those bastards aren't going to win over any existing Cherry Bomb clientele, which is basically the entire neighborhood.

Anyways, all that aside, the past week, the shop has been closed, so I haven't been working the machine at all, its been kinda strange.
I have however been moving every single fucking thing from the old store to the new one, by hand, and its been 40 degrees!

The new store used to be a Polish Kolbasa deli, with a smoke house in the back, where they made the sausage, butchered up the meat, boiled cabbage....all things gross and meaty.
Needless to say, it stinks like meat, and I stink like meat from being in there.
Soooo much smoke and grease is soaked into the pores of the walls of the new place, but lots of paint, bleach, scrubbing, and about 5 lbs of espresso through that place, and it'll smell like normal.

My task today was to peel all the sealant sticker from the inside walls and ceiling of our walk in fridge, where they used to store meats, and sausage.
And then I bleach washed the greasy bloody floor inside.
It was pretty gnar, I was inside a closed cold storage room with a greasy blood stained floor, with rusty meathooks hanging from the rafters, and the best part was how the cooling unit was not on, and the fridge acted as a thermos, keeping an internal temp of what the thermometer read 34 degrees.
It stunk soooo bad, I came out of the room feeling like I has a slimey coat of meat stink on my skin.

So the shop will be closed until July 16th, if all goes to plan.
I hope I'm not super rusty when I come back.

So with the time away from the shop, Annie and I are gonna take our first vacation together in 4 years, and make our way to San Francisco for 12 days of gluttony and adventure.
I am planing on eating a lot of food, drinking lots of coffee from Ritual, as well as Blue Bottle, and digging around all the good shops in SF, to bring home the finest wares and spices the Pacific has to offer.

I'm gonna bring my board, the camera, and our new MacBook so that I can keep an updated Frisco blog while away.