Thursday, May 24, 2007

the things that make a house a home

This is a board that Albert made

Annie and I bought this at Value Village for a dollar

This is the new bed I bought for Annie

This is a calendar of cats in historic regal clothing

This was a thing I made for Annie one valentines day

Niall made this and gave it to us because he's so kind

Annie and I bought these at Value Village, Owls are so interesting

Thats a board Bobby Puleo painted, and a picture of a very alert siamese cat Dennis and Claire gave us

Thats a bunch of Annies weird stuff

Thats some birds that hang on the wall over our bed, our curtains match the birds

A board Todd Bratrud painted

We just got that owl at Value Village last week, and then I gave those wooden carvings to Annie for Xmas cuz we can't have a real bulldog

But we can have a real bullcat

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